22nd Sunday after Pentecost
By Father Scott Archer November 6, 2022 “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mt. 22:21). Father John Hunwicke recently wrote about the spirit of the age and the attempt to to set up a rival to Christ the King. One of the greatest threats to our living as authentic Christians is the temptation to conform to the spirit of the age, the spirit of the world, and it has deceived many Christians into thinking life would be better and the world more accepting of them if they compromised with sin. This has been a temptation since the very beginning. Christians were once required to worship the Roman emperor as a god and to offer a pinch of incense before his image. If they did so, they would live, if not, they would be killed. How easy it seemed, and many compromised. St. Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna, did not. He said, “Eighty and six years I have served Him and He has done me no wrong. How then can I blaspheme my King and Sa...