3rd Sunday after Epiphany
By Father Scott Archer January 22, 2023 “Be not overcome by evil” (Rom. 12:21). Christ came to our world that we might not be overcome by evil but freed from our slavery to sin. By His Cross He destroyed the power the devil, the flesh, and the world have over us because sanctifying grace makes us holy and pleasing to God. Of the many evils we face in the world, perhaps the gravest is the unjust killing of the most innocent; that is, the unborn. Many speak of the rights of individuals or groups of people; however, if we are to have any genuine rights at all, the fundamental human right to life must be upheld by society. The life of infants in the womb is central to an authentic respect for human dignity because these innocents have no voice but those who seek to protect them. Those advocating the opposite position will raise objections and argue about when life begins, the circumstances of conception, and the life of the mother. First, science is quite clear when life begins. A ne...